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right:21px; top:50%; z-index:1;width: 30px; height:100%;} .banner .pic .hd ul { width:30px;text-align: center;} .banner .pic .hd ul li {margin-bottom: 5px; display: block;padding-top: 18px; width:30px; height:1px;text-indent:-9999em; cursor:pointer;background: url(/uploads/image/pswi/banner_icon.png) top right no-repeat;} .banner .pic .hd ul li span{display: block;float: right; width:10px;height:1px;background:#eee;transition: all 0.4s; } .banner .pic .hd ul .on span {width:30px; background: #c0e120;transition: all 0.4s;} .ind01{position: relative;} .ind01 .bac{position: relative;z-index: 1; width: 100%;height: 515px;} .ind01 .bac .fl{width:63.9% ;height: 515px;background: url(/uploads/image/pswi/ind01_2.png) right center no-repeat;background-size: cover;} .ind01 .bac .w1500{position: absolute;left:10.9375% ;top: 0px; width: 78.125%;height: 515px;} .ind01 .bac .w1500 .jx{float: left;margin-left: 50%; width: 49%;} .ind01 .bac .w1500 .jx div{position: relative; margin:161px 0 0 20px;width: 87.2%;height: 202px;} .ind01 .bac .w1500 .jx div p{position: absolute;right: -66px;top: -97px;width: 220px;height: 137px;background: url(/uploads/image/pswiicon/icon_4.png) center no-repeat;} .ind01 .w1500{position: absolute;left: 10.9375%;top: 0px;z-index: 2;} .ind01 .pic{ position:relative;} .ind01 .pic .bd{position:relative; 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